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TEAM Group

For All Your Industrial Cleaning Needs


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TEAM Group
Readyjet Concrete Drum Cleaning

Concrete Mixer Drum Cleaning & Concrete Removal

TEAM Group’s cement cleaning and removal services maintain and optimize all concrete mixing machinery. Using state-of-the-art technology and pulling from decades of experience, we ensure the top performance and safety for ready mix concrete trucks, cement storage silos, and cement mixers of all kinds.

Our clients range from a diverse mix of industries, making us confident in our ability to meet whatever cement maintenance needs you may have. Safeguarding your cement mixing operations by preventing any major blockages or problems is our primary objective.

Whether you need routine maintenance or require emergency assistance, TEAM Group is well-equipped for all cement cleaning and removal situations.


Removing readymix concrete debris is a key component of maintaining an efficient and safe site. Whatever you need hauled-off site, we have the know-how and tools to remove any unwanted concrete. Industrial sites, residential, and everything in between. Our concrete removal system does it all.

At the end of the day, you are responsible for the cleanup of all the residual waste from your construction site. Foundation work in particular generates lots of debris that needs to be routinely hauled out. No matter the industry or scale, we specialize in prompt and efficient concrete removal. We tailor our maintenance services to work with you for the best price possible.

Let us do the heavy lifting so you can get on without having to slow down.


TEAM Group provides an unmatched concrete mixer drum cleaning service. Making use of cutting edge technology and our extensive cement cleaning experience, we excel at maintaining drums, silos and mix trucks at an unbeatable price. Without regular cleaning of mixer drums, you run the risk of hauling around deadweight from concrete buildups which in turn reduces your output and revenue.

Forgoing outdated chipping practices, TEAM Group uses READY JET®. A remote-controlled high-pressure water system, designed to safely remove dead, hardened concrete from mixer drums. READY JET® allows for a safer, more economical, and more effective method of cleaning residual concrete build-up. With no human entry of the drum required, you save on time and money while also exceeding OSHA Silica safety compliance.

Contact TEAM Group to switch the latest technology in ready-mix concrete drum cleaning.



  • Operating cost to clean a drum expected to be an average 50% of chipping costs (determined by fleet size).
  • Encourages shorter and more frequent cleaning service intervals which can dramatically improve concrete output per truck, yielding more revenue.
  • Avoids damaging dents and cracks in drums from using jackhammers.
  • It eliminates the need to put humans inside a confined space with proper routine maintenance


  • No human entry of the drum required with proper routine maintenance.
  • Eliminates Silica exposure.
  • Minimal fatigue and heat stress on operator.
  • Eliminates injury from falling large chunks of concrete.
  • No direct contact with sharp drum blades.
  • No need for detailed lock-out/tag-out procedures. 
  • No need for compliance with confined space regulations. 
  • No carpal tunnel syndrome from excessive jackhammer vibrations.


Every four to five months, the average concrete mixer truck builds up cement blockages and requires a drum cleaning. Cleaning the drums more frequently increases longevity and creates less buildup allowing for greater gas mileage.

Using READY JET® technology, TEAM Group can clean out cement truck drums much faster than a jackhammer chipping. Once the drum is purged of all excess concrete you may tell us where to dispose of the waste. Our fast turnarounds in concrete cleaning and removal allows for drum mixers to work at optimized capacities within the same day.